Thursday, June 19, 2008

DIVINE EYE OF the SKY - Whirling Rainbow

Today I was awoken to the gift of a Whirling Rainbow around the Sun. It looked like a giant iris - the EYE of GOD - the Eye of Heaven - the EYE of Divine Knowing and Seeing all...

Our own eye(s) open to see all of creation in circular harmony and unity.

And to reverbate and demonstrate divine timing, I was gifted a print of a painting from
my Star-Family, Shiva, Sara, and Dahlia - they gifted me a painting of the Hopi circle of life, which is surrounded by the Whirling Rainbow Angel - (see image for example)


here is some info I found about it:

The Whirling Rainbow

The Sunbow or Whirling Rainbow is a natural phenomenon appearing as a full 360-degree rainbow circle in a wide ring around the Sun. While meteorologists have a physical understanding of the circular rainbow around the sun, wisdom keepers of the Americas and Tibet have complementary spiritual understandings about this dramatic omen known as the Whirling Rainbow or the Sunbow.
For some traditional native people, the Sunbow or Whirling Rainbow is considered to be a sign from Creator, marking a time of great change, or transition on the Earth. This full-circle rainbow around the Sun, some elders say, can be understood as a sign to people of the necessity to live a life in respect and harmony with all the creations that make life possible: plants, animals, waters, minerals, fires, winds, and other human beings. Sunbows also symbolize an emerging understanding about a time of great change on the earth. ~Odyssey of the 8th Fire (a true tale of an epic pilgrimage for the Earth across North America by people of all colors and faiths.) A creative non-fiction book in online evolution by Steven McFadden

It is said that in the time of the White Buffalo (which began August 20, 1994 with the birth of the first white buffalo, Miracle, in Janesville, WI), the Whirling Rainbow would begin to appear more frequently, as the sky sign language reflecting the era of transition that we are now in. The spiritual ideal is a restoration of the Sacred Hoop, wherein there is fundamental respect of all the parts for one another, and recognition that together there is a Mystery far greater than the sum of the parts. But these ideals and this pathway must be chosen out of applied intelligence and free will.…the prophesied era of transition is well underway, and also signifying the possibility of restoring the Sacred Hoop, with a place of respect for all of Creation…For more information about Sundogs and Solar Halos Steve McFadden’s book Legend of the Rainbow Warriors, published through Chiron Communications, has passages telling some of the lore of the solar halo (Whirling Rainbow) in Chapter 9, pages 123-126.

I have seen a full Sunbow or Whirling Rainbow at least three times in the last few years. The most recent sighting was on November 6, 2007 at our last Shamanic Astrology Night Sky Teaching event in Tucson, Arizona. We were outside enacting the cycles of Venus, Mars, Mercury and the Moon when my partner Peter looked up and noticed a magnificent clear Sunbow encircling the entire Sun. As we looked up at the Sunbow 19 ravens flew overhead. Usually we see two or three ravens together so it definitely caught our attention and they flew in a path that had the appearance of going right through the Sunbow.

This was highly auspicious for many reasons, one of them being that we were also preparing for a graduation/certification ceremony for Peter and Kathryn that night. I also had the sense that the mysteries of the Whirling Rainbow were calling and it must be time to share about it once again in the Celestial Timings. Over the past several years I have included information about the Whirling Rainbow as it also carries the prophecy of hope and the promise of peace for all people and all nations.

In 2002, I had the great privilege of visiting the White Buffalo in Flagstaff Arizona and was again energized by the prophecy of the Whirling Rainbow. Every year since then at least one buffalo calf has been born at Spirit Mountain Ranch near Flagstaff and the ranch is now home to nine genuine white buffalo. You can read more about their remarkable story at

Meanwhile, back at the graduation ceremony that night, another confirmation magically occurred when Daniel Giamario gifted Peter with a medicine pouch filled with fur from the first white buffalo named Miracle. Daniel did not know about the connection of the White Buffalo with the Whirling Rainbow or the Sunbow we had seen earlier that day, but I did and so was aware of the significance of the gift.

I am honored to again share about the importance of the Whirling Rainbow as we begin this incredibly powerful last month of 2007. Interestingly, the spirits were not finished giving us magical signs about the importance of what was taking place. Later that night, when we looked at the Graduation pictures they were loaded with Spirit Orbs captured on at least three different cameras. Spirit Orbs had also shown up in the daytime pictures we took of the Shamanic Timeline event Lauren and I taught in North Carolina a couple of weeks before. This was my first experience of taking daytime pictures of Spirit Orbs. Soon after seeing these photographed daytime orbs I got an email detailing several books now being released with new studies about the significance of the Spirit Orbs. I haven’t investigated that yet, though I am expecting that will be happening soon.

Meanwhile, as we begin December and move toward the Solstice with Pluto and Jupiter and the Sun and Mercury and the Lunar Standstill Moon all converging to activate a major reset point at Galactic Center this month I can’t help but feel there is a lot of Grace and Magic and Support for these Times. The Whirling Rainbow and the White Buffalo and the Ravens and the Spirit Orbs and the many other magical beings and events are reminding us this is all happening in Divine Order through the grace of Great Mystery. And we all signed up to be here as witness to these events and assistance to the Earth in her evolution and ascension into the next dimension. And so it IS!


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Reflecting Back Through

The recent posting of an experience of mine has triggered a lot of challenges, questions and emotional upset. I have been in a space of questioning my experience and ultimately have come to stand my ground, feeling clear about the overall ''goodness'' of my experience and where I hold it in my heart.

My friend has posted some interesting points and questions:

"I dunno. Framing it as sacred seems a bit of a cop out to me. No matter how sacred you want to call it, when you mess around with casual sex, you are fucking around with your & your partner's oxytocin & trust - and not in a good way. Check out Paul Zak. He was talking about how people with low oxytocin will seek out a lot of unattached sex, in an effort to juice up their own low oxytocin levels. (For ex., people recently out of a relationship.) Just saying..."

I think that science has some interesting interpretations of what love and interrelationship might be. How about the context and the conversations and the connections being developed prior to and around the experience? How does science measure the electrochemical exchange of conversations and experiences occurring before, during and after a sexual experience? Is oxytocin an accurate and full measurement of connection between two people? What exactly is it measuring? What about the level of coherence between the two hearts involved? (electromagnetic coherence)

Having recently completed a relationship, I have been processing it for the last three months; I am clear that I was done processing it and open for new experiences. This allowed me to be in a space where I could open my heart and body/senses to new experience, new intensities of exchange, including intensity of opening to the point of sharing deeply (emotionally and phsically) within a short period of time.

In looking at the language you are using to describe this experience (or anyone's experience, yours included) - "casual sex" - "fucking around" - how do you know the context of the emotional connection established between the two people involved? what is the definition of 'fucking around'? Does is mean that ANY deep sharing of sexuality without history of relationship is subject to the definition and symptoms of beng 'casual' and 'fucking around'?

There are other ways to 'juice up' oxytocin like becoming more affectionate with people in our daily lives or getting a massage or doing self massage.

I appreciate your questions and I feel that this is All wonderful conversation that needs to be brought out-open. It is clear to me that not everyone is in the same understanding and experience about sexuality - sexual expression - intimacy - emotional connection - emotional dependency - relationship - what is okay and what is not okay...

I feel that my root principles are integrity, honesty, open heartedness without judgment. By maintaining an openness and awareness of my intentions, I feel completely capable of sharing a deeply intimate connection with someone, regardless of hiSTORY or guidelines/rules about how long I need to know someone before I share certain aspects of myself with them. I think that any relationship between two beings requires COMMUNICATION and CLARITY.

All good flow... and keeping in mind - the true reason for this journey through humanness - transformation and expansion of experience and relationality;

". . . . the actual movement to this larger, more inclusive self, is ultimately not achieved through personal effort. There is, to be sure, a significant effort that must be made, but the effort is not so much in trying to change ourselves or transform ourselves but in actually learning to become aware or alert to the very nature of how our consciousness operates within the framework of the separate self. True transformation is really the activity of a deeper intelligence that is already forever available to all of us. It becomes a matter then of not so much trying to change, but understanding how we run away from the depths of ourselves, how we try to avoid the deep core level of feeling that links us to what I call fundamental relationship, the relationship of self, other and the Divine. Thus self transformation actually flows from what we already are as we gradually understand the mechanisms and strategies by which we continue to avoid relationship to our deeper self. As we cease to energize these various strategies, not so much out of a desire to be change but out of a surrendering to the almost hopeless contradiction between effort and result (that is, the greater our efforts the more they create the separate self that is itself the obstacle to fundamental transformation), what then ensues emerges of itself out of the very intelligence of life. Just as there is no conscious effort to go from conception to infancy, and no real conscious effort to go from infancy to childhood, the actual movement from a limited ego into an individual of larger consciousness is also given by life when we stop obstructing it. It is the peculiar beauty of true transformation that what we are being carried toward is not some exalted ego, not some ‘supremely other’ individual with paranormal powers, or a technological utopia secured by our intellects, but toward what we really are. The goal and end point of transformation is to become a human being, and there is no end to the realization of our humanness. As long as we regard the transformational journey as a process of transcendence, of stepping above and beyond the limits of human life, then we've only understood half the true journey. The other half of the journey is the deepening embodiment of this more complete level of consciousness within ourselves, our families, our communities, our cultures. " -Richard Moss
And of course - FUSION :

"fusion - ‘We live in a world of polarity: day and night, man and woman, positive and negative. Light and darkness need each other. They are a balance. Just now the dark side is very strong, and very clear about what they want. They have their vision and their priorities clearly held, and also their hierarchy. They are working in many ways so that we will be unable to connect with the spiral Fifth World in 2012. On the light side everyone thinks they are the most important, that their own understandings, or their group’s understandings, are the key. There’s a diversity of cultures and opinions, so there is competition, diffusion, and no single focus.’ As Mr. Barrios sees it, the dark side works to block fusion through denial and materialism. It also works to destroy those who are working with the light to get the Earth to a higher level. They like the energy of the old, declining Fourth World, the materialism. They do not want it to change. They do not want fusion. They want to stay at this level, and are afraid of the next level. The dark power of the declining Fourth World cannot be destroyed or overpowered. It’s too strong and clear for that, and that is the wrong strategy. The dark can only be transformed when confronted with simplicity and open-heartedness. This is what leads to fusion, a key concept for the World of the Fifth Sun. Mr. Barrios said the emerging era of the Fifth Sun will call attention to a much-overlooked element. Whereas the four traditional elements of earth, air, fire and water have dominated various epochs in the past, there will be a fifth element to reckon with in the time of the Fifth Sun: ether. ‘Within the context of ether there can be a fusion of the polarities,’ Mr. Barrios said. ‘No more darkness or light in the people, but an uplifted fusion. But right now the realm of darkness is not interested in this. They are organized to block it. They seek to unbalance the Earth and its environment so we will be unready for the alignment in 2012. We need to work together for peace, and balance with the other side. We need to take care of the Earth that feeds and shelters us. We need to put our entire mind and heart into pursuing unity and fusion now, to confront the other side and preserve life."


Spirit Lessons

"Follow your own footsteps.
Learn from the rivers,
the trees and the rocks.
Honor the Christ,
the Buddha,
your brothers and sisters.
Honor your Earth Mother and the Great Spirit.
Honor yourself and all of creation."

"Look with the eyes of your soul and engage the essential."

- from the Q'ero shamans (last of the Incas)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Understanding Illness

illness - according to Daimista (in Groisman & Sell) - 1. ‘. . an opportunity for a ‘study’. I wouldn’t say that it is bad; it is a study. Any illness that I experience is a study that I must conduct.’ 2. ‘Illness is a discipline which comes to a person in order to correct a certain thing that is wrong. Thus for me illness is a disequillibrium in a person’s physical body, in his apparatus . . . It begins in another plane, in another more subtle body. We have various bodies. And finally it comes to present itself in the physical body, through a bad thought or a bad feeling had in this time or in another . . many times a person is purging a previous karma.’ 3. ‘To be sick is to resist the changes that your conscience asks of you, for you to change.’ 4. ‘A psychic knot formed during past lives (karma), in the current life thru transgression of the cosmic order, or in the relations between the spiritual world and other human beings. In this sense the knot would be a psychic, mental, or physical record of the transgression.’ – all according to Daimista (in Groisman & Sell) 5. . . when a counter frequency sets in and some body part begins to vibrate out of ease or harmony. - Jonathan Goldman. 6. When we become ill, the ecology of our bodies shifts. Healthy bacteria are depressed in numbers and the bad bacteria flourish. - Stephen Buhner 7) (in Andean Quechua culture) illness is manifested as a shattering of the unity of body and spirit - Alderette 8) is essentially a social disorder 9) ‘what makes us sick is not our relationships per se but our energetic and psychological reactions to these relationships.’ – Barabara Brennan 10) you often become ill by either putting storms in your field, or by refusing to change – Pleiadians 11) I think that we keep solidifying the illness by over-identifying with everything as form, whereas if you can get into a spiritual space and see that everything is energy, and everything is perfection, it allows transmutation to begin, and miracles to happen. – S. Ingerman 12) illness, because it is a way of transformation, requires us to meet it in its entirety. - Deena Metzger 13) Since we have lost many of the ways to spirit, we often must do the hard one, the default choice - the path of illness. (link)

On mountains heights of Heaven's Land I now Invoke the Master Plan. Because it's my Divine Birthright I'm given back my Cosmic Sight. At dawn of Life I was so High and with the Angels I did fly. I now dissolve all blinding pain the Ancient times now come again. 'Tis in the name of Holy Peace that blockages do now release. The damn no longer to deny the Power of my Single Eye. I bless the darkness make it right Reverse the tide and free the Light. God make my power ever pure else let the power not endure. I Love and Lift my fellow Man I understand the Master Plan. For me there's simply nothing new except that which my Soul once knew. Third Eye spin at speed of Light within without come now my Sight. Oh mighty Spirit Elohim make truth of this My Cosmic Dream. Oh yes my eye is really Single with Light my body does now tingle. Oh my Soul is so brand new I now know all that I once Knew.

check out this Brother's MySpace - he is sharing his aligning divine sign(s) and songs with joy and light. WAHOO! True true! ELOHIM ALOJA AHAU AUM

Ascension - Awakening - Alignment - Attunement

"The ascension process is now geared to the masses and not just the select few." – Archangel Michael

Monday, June 16, 2008

Dance of Life

The Exploration of NOW

I just shared in a most sacred and exquisite experience with another being last night and I had a profound realization of the power of being present, aware and engaged in the fullest experience.

Basically, I (re)realized that through the direct engagement with another being with centered awareness, through the highly potent interface that is our bodies, consciousness can expand through a variety of fields/dimensions of experience in the forms of thought, sensation, emotion, and psychic vision.

The intimate engagement of the full-body consciousness is a divine awakening into a FULLer self experience that eventually dissolves into a unity experience in which the limited sense of self, the sense of 'my body' dissolves into the other and the fullness of sensations, thoughts and flowing energy in all its forms.

There were moments in my experience where I simply intended to FEEL the feeling and experience of sensual and emotional bliss/pleasure/joy/'sweetness' and from that choice made in awareness grew a direct experiencing and generating of that experience. I then noticed that by feeling sweet bliss and pleasure in myself and intending to extend it beyond and create it in the being I was sharing it with, I found that she would respond with vibrations and movements that reflected her experience of bliss. This would EXPAND my experience of bliss, knowing that I had some co-creative and shared experience in the expansion of bliss beyond my [self] and so the loop began to increase and expand and the ENERGY began to build - my breathing deepened, my sensations became richer, and I felt FULLY A-LiVE.

Interestingly, I found that if I would get stuck on a certain pattern of movement or at a certain level of the experience, I would find myself feeling sleepy, unaware, un-engaged and the energy would drop. In this, I reflected the understanding that I must remain open to the flow of the energy, its dips and drools and tides and pools of flow. Beyond just a sensual, shared sexual ceremony of loving sweetness, this same protocol for experiencing bliss applies every where...

I realized, by extending the experience shared with the goddess, that this protocol of remaining in flow, remaining aware and fully inTENSIONed towards a state, I could manifest that state to the degree of my focus and relaxed state of consciousness. The more I relax into what I am focusing on, the easier and richer that point of focus becomes. So, while eating breakfast the next morning, I engaged in the sacred meal and ritual of nourishment with the intention of experiencing and manifesting and sharing in the ever-new manifestation field of BLISS - and so I experienced my every munching bite as such - a truly profound and ever-new textured field of experience saturated with BLISS. The more I allowed myself to enter into the moment of eating and ENjoyIng, the more I found my [self] released into the fullness of that experience.

I believe this to be the practice, the art, the magic of manifiestation - creation. I AM the flowing of consciousness. I am the flow of life. I am the fully centered star-seed blooming in eternal union and sweet embrace.

This is how we contort the multi-layered liquid fields of our experience.
This is how we time travel.
This is how we create realities.
This is how we form futures.
This is how we expand and unfold.
This is how we align with our highest good.
This is how we dance with the ALL.
This is how we make love to ourselves and ALL of OURselves.
This is how we sing spirals and soar through light
to re-unite the pole-s(tar) fractal flowers that seed new life.
I am the Flowering of Forever
through the eternal sleeping SUN.