How wonderful to continue the discovery of the rich and abundantly awesome beauty and elegance of our human bodies!
"Bonghan channels are also being compared to fiber-optic channels in the body. These channels may be able to carry an extremely high density of information far beyond the limited, one-way signals of the nervous system or the diffusive information carried by hormones in the blood stream. A 2004 paper describes how biophotons, produced by animal tissues, may be emitted by DNA molecules to produce a laser-like coherent light capable of carrying an enormous volume of information through the Bonghan channels. The idea that acupuncture channels conduct light has already been substantiated by Russian research published as early as 1991. They found that the light-conducting ability of the human body exists only along the meridians, and can enter and exit only along the acupuncture points. This finding has been confirmed by a 1992 study in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and a 2005 study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine where moxibustion and infrared thermography were used to trace meridian pathways." (Acupuncture implications of this discovery and further research brings us ever deeper into a new paradigm of self-understanding. We are capable of so much more than we ever conceived and it is our blessed gift and opportunity to remain open to the possibility that we are rich with the mystery of the Universe. This is a truly significant discovery for a more accurate understanding of all medicine and alternative healing methods.