Saturday, December 8, 2007

Preparations and Practice - Be Love

Full Moon December 23, 2007
During the Full Moon on December 23rd, the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Pluto with be aligned along the Milky Way axis with the full Moon and Mars in Gemini. There is a polarization of "spiritual" planets (Sun, Jupiter, Mercury) versus "willful" or emotional planets (Moon, Mars, Pluto). Where do you fall between the two? Or are you in the process of integrating these aspects of self? This full moon may reveal how our desire and will are aligned -- or not aligned-- with galactic consciousness.

The emotional energy of the Full Moon in Gemini in the nakshatra Ardra is heightened due to its conjunction with desire-driven Mars. Ardra's symbol is the human head and represents the emphasis on the mind and thinking. Its primary motivation is kama, desire, and its power is yatna shakti, or effort. Ardra is connected with intense activity, passionate thinking, enthusiasm and an urge for expansion. The combination of this Ardra Full Moon with a retrograding Mars indicates there will be a lot of thinking about what we want. And as Ardra is ruled by the planet of obsession, Rahu, we may want more than is realistically possible. A recently retrograding Saturn in Leo could bring in some disappointment if we are not aligned with "right" understanding, ie. universal energies.

Ardra consists of several of the stars of Orion, including Betelgeuse and the fixed star Sirius, which some scholars believe is a companion star to our own sun in a binary system. In a lovely rendering of channeled initiations, Virginia Essene and Irving Feurst reveal the energetic blessings of seven major stars. As conscious beings and/or spiritual masters, each star transmits wisdom and knowledge to the Earth. They describe Betelgeuse as offering the blessing of Expanded Soul Awareness and Sirius the blessings of amplified and glorified Christ Consciousness (for those of you who like me bristle at using "Christ" Consciousness, they also use Universal Love). As this full moon occurs in between the winter solstice and Christmas eve, perhaps we will glimpse the true meaning and importance of this time of year, when the Milky Way rises aligning the galactic center with our Sun.

Jupiter conjoins Pluto on December 11, 2007. By the winter solstice Jupiter, Pluto, Mercury and the Sun will be drawing down energy from the Galactic Center, enhanced two days later when a full moon conjoins Mars in Gemini. This powerful alignment may present political or fanatical religious conflict destroying things that aren't working. At the same time it may indicate a window of opportunity when we may be more open to receiving and understanding the messages from the source of life, the Mula or root of the galaxy, the Galactic Center.

Starworlds Blog

In these times of change from an astrological point of view Jupiter is about to conjunct Pluto at the point of the Galactic Center. This is creating a laser like stream of intense focus that is the sword of light. The light will open the cosmic egg and allow creation to be fully born.

The coming years of 2008 through 2011 are of momentous importance as there are numerous planetary alignments that will create the restructuring of civilization and a transition from the old way of control and dominance by transmutation of the dark into the light. To be wise is to have understanding and compassion and be in forgiveness in order to accept your own enlightenment. Focus within on your feelings of love, appreciation and gratitude and return to your core vision of all beings in oneness of divine purpose to enjoy the pleasure of life. This time is crucial as you make choices as to what thoughts you are attracting and circumstances you promote.

Choose what you want to have in your home. Choose wisely for creation manifests in seconds. As you now live everyday in the passage from the old to the new become selfless and serve in the higher light of wisdom and darkness will pass away and you will see again that we are the creators.


Friday, December 7, 2007

Astrological Forecast For This Month

Astrology for November-December 2007 - The New Moon of Scorpio

by Robert Wilkinson

Today we have a New Moon in Scorpio at the Transfiguration degree, ushering in a several-week period where we will see evidence of "a job well done," bringing some phase of our lives to completion and illuminating our power of regeneration. This New Moon will produce inspiration, transformation, and many realizations as well as the end of obscurities, vagueness, and deceptions in critical areas of our lives.

The West Coast of the US has early Taurus rising, while New Mexico has late Aries rising. Miami has late Taurus rising, while NY has mid-Gemini rising. Hopping the pond, London and Amsterdam both have late Leo rising. Moving Eastward, Estonia and Istanbul have mid-Virgo rising, India has mid-to-late Libra rising, Bangkok has mid-Scorpio rising, Western Australia has mid-Sag rising, and Melbourne has mid-Capricorn rising.

We find that this is a Locomotive pattern, with Mars in Cancer leading the occupied segment and Uranus in Pisces closing the span. This implies an imbalanced period that is power rather than weakness, and the Grand Water Trine of the Sun and Moon both trine the ruler of the lunation Mars along with Uranus should produce emotional harmony, understanding, or at least a flow.

The New Moon is on a Transfiguration point, showing all of us that we've hit the end of an old pattern and finished some magnetic test, challenge, or activity. We are all challenged to become flexible yet show strength, and the Moon-Mars in mutual reception is very strong, especially since Mars is in the Scorpio sector of Cancer. Mars is a very important planet in this lunation, so let's explore some aspects.

Mars is septile Saturn, which when coupled with Mercury septile Saturn and Jupiter biseptile Saturn would seem to indicate more critical forks in the road of destiny for all of us, wherever these fall and in whatever houses they rule. As Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn rule 2/3 of our reality, this lunation will cut a wide wake indeed! This would imply several more weeks of weirdness, but these forks in the road are more about what to do now that the old era is over and we're confronted with whatever we succeeded at that has brought us to this transfigured state.

Saturn conjunct the South Node shows more work, more following through on our line of least resistance, and demonstrating our ability to take responsibility while releasing any old subservient, worry, or nervous patterns left over from our prior life. Yes, the work load may have been heavy, but there are benefits to be captured in the future.

The Lunation semisquare Venus indicates internal crises about how to view the overall process so we can identify with a larger sweep of cycles at work, and marks a period of difficulty between the Cancer-Leo parts of our lives with that which rules the Taurus and Libra parts of our lives. Of some importance is that Venus is the dispositor of Mercury and itself, while Jupiter disposes Uranus and Pluto. The rest are primarily influenced by the Moon-Mars mutual reception.

Other aspects of note are the Lunation quintiles Saturn while squaring Neptune, Mercury is in a tredecile with Mars and Mars is biquintile Neptune. These are productive of unique gifts and circumstances, and we should be able to encounter ideas and information in some serendipitous ways.

The square of the Lunation to Neptune opens the voids at 18 and 20 degrees of Taurus and Leo, showing alchemy is in the air. Clean out your perceptions and obsolete ways of viewing things in order to see which way the "winds of destiny" are blowing, and consciously link yourself with the source of life on Earth.

Of special importance are the Venus binovile Mars, Venus binovile Jupiter, and Mars quadranovile Jupiter. See how seemingly opposite realizations share a common base as you reach another level of spiritual realization about people and promises, and accept or reject the relationships that either are in harmony or disharmony with your own ideals and future vision. The Lunation novile Pluto shows this is the end of a long cycle that began last December, which should bring some things out of the "desert" or "off the shelf" showing the beauty and functionality of what began then.

© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson

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