Friday, May 18, 2007

The Vibration and the Field

means giving sexual pleasure or sexually arousing,
while exotic means being or from or characteristic of
another place or part of the world or strikingly strange or unusual

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

O. M. G.

Dancing is Dangeriss.

come with me,
as we romantically fall;
fall forward
into ourselves
un-being ourselves
& forgetting the learned way.

enough for now,
enough for today,
enough to spend
an eternally play
wandering without remembering
such a thing as a day
or a me in this way...

Oh, what I song that sings itself!
Sing me on!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Organic Mythologies Unfold

in the slow, patient steps
we find the quality of daily life
as our currency,
as a reflection
of the harmonial ringing
through and as us

The Seeing

human mind = the seeing eye =

'the flying saucer = the lenticular mind-object made of light'

Cannabinoidal Spacial Perspectives

From the Beyond

On plant teachers guiding the way out of the symbolic constructs:

"Plant teachers have the unique ability of showing us the relativity of language, which for us is the relativity of being, and then you are freed because you have seen something incontrovertible; there's no going back. that is the first great gateway on the path to realize the relativity of language and the malleability of the world."

-Terence McKenna

Inspirational Investigations

the endless mind
making mind
into the circle
formed by lines


Logic Unfolds

Monday, May 14, 2007

Today It Starts. Today It Arts.

this is how I introduce myself to random beautiful women/girls on MySpace:

"let's be friends
and then let's marry
and then let's make art
and make love
and make cupcakes
with chocolate frosting
and dance to music
or let's be friends"

this is how I introduce myself to random beautiful women/girls in person:

"hello. my name is Michael.
it's nice to meet you."

see the difference?
I see a bit of holding back... a bit of unexpressed passion and love and boundless, reasonless joy...

I am working on letting it out fully and freely
for now,
enjoy this: