Monday, June 16, 2008

The Exploration of NOW

I just shared in a most sacred and exquisite experience with another being last night and I had a profound realization of the power of being present, aware and engaged in the fullest experience.

Basically, I (re)realized that through the direct engagement with another being with centered awareness, through the highly potent interface that is our bodies, consciousness can expand through a variety of fields/dimensions of experience in the forms of thought, sensation, emotion, and psychic vision.

The intimate engagement of the full-body consciousness is a divine awakening into a FULLer self experience that eventually dissolves into a unity experience in which the limited sense of self, the sense of 'my body' dissolves into the other and the fullness of sensations, thoughts and flowing energy in all its forms.

There were moments in my experience where I simply intended to FEEL the feeling and experience of sensual and emotional bliss/pleasure/joy/'sweetness' and from that choice made in awareness grew a direct experiencing and generating of that experience. I then noticed that by feeling sweet bliss and pleasure in myself and intending to extend it beyond and create it in the being I was sharing it with, I found that she would respond with vibrations and movements that reflected her experience of bliss. This would EXPAND my experience of bliss, knowing that I had some co-creative and shared experience in the expansion of bliss beyond my [self] and so the loop began to increase and expand and the ENERGY began to build - my breathing deepened, my sensations became richer, and I felt FULLY A-LiVE.

Interestingly, I found that if I would get stuck on a certain pattern of movement or at a certain level of the experience, I would find myself feeling sleepy, unaware, un-engaged and the energy would drop. In this, I reflected the understanding that I must remain open to the flow of the energy, its dips and drools and tides and pools of flow. Beyond just a sensual, shared sexual ceremony of loving sweetness, this same protocol for experiencing bliss applies every where...

I realized, by extending the experience shared with the goddess, that this protocol of remaining in flow, remaining aware and fully inTENSIONed towards a state, I could manifest that state to the degree of my focus and relaxed state of consciousness. The more I relax into what I am focusing on, the easier and richer that point of focus becomes. So, while eating breakfast the next morning, I engaged in the sacred meal and ritual of nourishment with the intention of experiencing and manifesting and sharing in the ever-new manifestation field of BLISS - and so I experienced my every munching bite as such - a truly profound and ever-new textured field of experience saturated with BLISS. The more I allowed myself to enter into the moment of eating and ENjoyIng, the more I found my [self] released into the fullness of that experience.

I believe this to be the practice, the art, the magic of manifiestation - creation. I AM the flowing of consciousness. I am the flow of life. I am the fully centered star-seed blooming in eternal union and sweet embrace.

This is how we contort the multi-layered liquid fields of our experience.
This is how we time travel.
This is how we create realities.
This is how we form futures.
This is how we expand and unfold.
This is how we align with our highest good.
This is how we dance with the ALL.
This is how we make love to ourselves and ALL of OURselves.
This is how we sing spirals and soar through light
to re-unite the pole-s(tar) fractal flowers that seed new life.
I am the Flowering of Forever
through the eternal sleeping SUN.

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