Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Tesla Mario

1 comment:

David said...

Hey Friend

This is David from the loving god website.

This is probably unexpected but I wanted to share a tip with you.

If you want more traffic one thing you can do is write articles and submit them to article sites.

One of the big one's is

I submitted an article their for my new hemp necklace site and the article got 700 hits in a couple weeks and I got over 100 hits to my website from it. It's starting to peeter out a little now. Plus if you put content their other people can put it on their site but they have to include your links back to you. They let you have 3 links to yourself.

I hope that helps you. You have a pretty cool site. Their are also other article directories you can submit to. You can find lists and I think their might also be a free program that helps speed up the submission process if your interested. I'm going to do it with the articles on my thelovinggod site when I have time (I'm heading to the rainbow gathering in mexico in a few days.)

Lastly if you do decide to submit articles It's advised to do a re-edit of you article to kinda change it a little. First ezine articles might not take it if it's identical secondly the search engines have duplicate content filters so if you have the same article all over the internet your copy might get filtered out so you want an original copy on your site.

Good luck from David dePape