Thursday, October 23, 2008

Esoteric Acupuncture Becomes Me

"For the human body is a microcosmos or small space-time field within a larger field. If we can maintain this view, we can recognize that acupuncture is one of the first empirical demonstrations of biological scaling within the universe."
- J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D.

"Since acupuncture's introduction to this country, practitioners have fought hard to validate and legitimize, per western science, this ancient form of healing. Often, testing and defining principles of medicine in one system, by rules of another, have worked against our best interest. we have needed to translate our medicine into understandable terms for the western-trained practitioner, particularly when we share mutual patients. Acupuncture deals with the energy systems of the body, and from a western physiological perspective, the major meridians are energy flows independent of physical structures such as nerves, blood, muscle, or lymph. The well-meaning attempts of those who have tried to legitimize acupuncture in the West, by defining it in western scientific terms, have actually reduced this wondrous, high art form of spiritual healing to simply 'removing pain blocks by stimulating nerves,' or 'boosting the immune system' by inserting foreign objects (needle) into the body. These two examples are certainly valid, but are only a small portion of the scope of acupuncture. I believe the true and highest goal of acupuncture is far beyond this level and have attempted to explore the higher esoteric aspects of acupuncture in this work." (Esoteric Acupuncture - Gateway to Expanded Healing, p.6, 1999)
- Mikio Sankey Ph.D., L,Ac.

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