Friday, September 12, 2008

it's all a show
and what do you know
but that it's nothing more

magical tryptical
tri-forced phelangie

fuck the webs.
the inter-webs

weave not but your own undoing
and see it undone through you
until all of you is but nothing
to undo

fuck tragedy.
fuck your tragic story.
fuck your web.
fuck this magnificent field of fossils
fossilized shit storms
standing where men once stood
and now only the ghosts of cowards
stand chattering
at one another.

i am the power I sought to hold
i hold it.
i hold my holy heart.

i threw down EVERYTHING
to receive EVERYTHING
and stand in a magical laughter
at the weaving the waves goodbye
to the dream of the man with power

I am my own power.

Sleeping beyond sleep.

May it come to us all
as we fall from false heights
back into our SELVES.

no more bullshit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! i loved reading this one outloud... your words of power, i feel reverberating into the world ...fuck the webs! aho.... re-weave reality