Sunday, April 6, 2008

Oculus of Shamanic Intent

That we may all know:
'Shaman' is the word for such a practitioner and literally meaning "he or she who knows."

If we want to enumerate the functions of the shamans (in all cultures that are recorded as having shamans), then we get a plethora of functions: healing;
leading a sacrifice; preserving the tradition by storytelling and songs; fortune-telling; acting as a psychopomp (literal meaning, “guide of souls”). In some cultures, a shaman may fulfill several functions in one person. (wikipedia)
"While shamanism occurs in virtually every culture on the planet, manifesting itself in religious traditions both ancient and modern, both 'primitive' and sophisticated, the shaman remains eminently individualistic, idiosyncratic, and enigmatic, standing ever apart from organized ecclesiastical institutions while still performing important functions for the psychic and religious life of the culture. Comparable, but not identical, with such similar idiosyncratic practitioners as medicine men and sorcerers [and even acupuncturists], the shaman is the possessor of techniques of proven efficacy and of powers bordering on the paranormal, the complete understanding of which still eludes modern psychology.” (McKenna & McKenna, p.9)

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