Friday, December 14, 2007

A plea for reason.

So what about those of us who do not see the world in separatist, dualistic fantasy-vision and actually understand that we are people dealing with people, groups with collective ideas/ideals conversing/cooperating with other groups with collective ideas/ideals??
What do you say to those of us who fail to see the facade of competition and division for seeming control?

We don't need celebrity-politics and falsely empowered people in order to live out our lives as happy, healthy, and fulfilled Human Beings. Yet, we find ourselves with cameras and eyes glued to them, the 'politicians', watching their every move and making realities of it all!

Are we choosing to be losing our marbles? Are we failing to grasp the simplicity of our experience? Are we, the adolescent Humanity willing to let go of childish fantasy and parental (traditional-outdated) lies and allow ourselves to come into a truth of our own?

Let's cooperate and bring harmony to our world, ourselves and our dreams.
Blessings to you all. May you effortlessly release the concept of struggle from your dream, your waking dream, and allow for the simplicity of cooperative and compassionate creative experience become your joyful dance and song and spiraling dream of light unfolding.

Academics for Ron Paul
- An educated view of his policy and out future


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