Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Light Tower Sculpture

It will be eight of those panels snugg-fit into the center keys... and a glass globe goes on top...

  • it will be about 2.5ft in diameter and 4.5ft high
  • the glass bulb is an opaque glass sphere about 12 inches in diameter.
  • the bulb will be lit by a three-LED, photovoltaic-charged light that will rest inside the glass sphere (Everlite from Everlight Products).
          • I purchased it through a Google Checkout-using Website.
soft wood... soft edges... soft light...

Here is my description/concept:

I envision the light house as an elegant and ambient source of guidance in the vast and lonely space of the desert. Using the desert as a metaphor for the vastness of unknown space, both physical and inner-mental space, the light-house is an actual and symbolic source of guidance towards futures where energy is free, clean, quiet, and subtle in its expression. The light house is not meant to dazzle people with power and force through shear consumption of amperage, rather it is the expression of the silent light that encourages and allows for inner stillness to penetrate the manifest physical spaces that we find ourselves in. Beyond fire, we find an endless source of energy in the Sun. We are learning to become energy harvesters, carefully collecting and elegantly using the endless flow of energy from the Sun to move ever joyfully towards the day when we realize our own infinite source and become our own guiding light. The lighthouse guides us on our way towards this inevitable future.

BrownRabbit Loving.

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