Sunday, May 20, 2007

Belated Breathing

After coming back home at almost midnight, I shower and carefully prepare a delicious hookah bowl. I made a blend of licorice tobacco, lavender flowers and marijuana flowers with melon lining the bottom of the bowl.

This hookah bowl filled me with a light and cooled smoke. My body adjusts appropriately and follows the river of light, rising from my mouth in a cool cool washing away.

I proceed to listen to Lucas read poetry and his book. I also continue to smoke.

I then find reason to get up and prepare some tea; red brush chai from Yogi Teas.

Tea steeping, I begin removing and selecting ingredients for some vegan-not-vegan pancakes.

Needless to say, after three four-grain, butter and maple syrup-cover hotcakes, fresh off the hot grill....

I am ready to end this day as a champion of my eternal bliss, banter, and beyond.

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